Hard hexagon lattice model
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The hard hexagon model has been studied extensively by Baxter and co-workers (Refs. 1-4).
Disordered regime[edit]
The equation of state and the isothermal compressibility for the hard hexagon model in the disordered regime are given in Ref. 5.
- R. J. Baxter "Hard hexagons: exact solution", Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 13 pp. L61-L70 (1980)
- R. J. Baxter and S. K. Tsang "Entropy of hard hexagons", Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 13 pp. 1023-1030 (1980)
- R. J. Baxter "Rogers-Ramanujan identities in the hard hexagon model", Journal of Statistical Physics 26 pp. 427-452 (1981)
- Rodney J. Baxter "Exactly Solved Models in Statistical Mechanics", Academic Press (1982) ISBN 0120831821 Chapter 14 (freely available pdf)
- M. P. Richey and C. A. Tracy "Equation of state and isothermal compressibility for the hard hexagon model in the disordered regime", Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 20 pp. L1121-L1126 (1987)