Hard spherocylinders: Difference between revisions

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The molecular volume of the spherocylinder  is given by  
The molecular volume of the spherocylinder  is given by  

Revision as of 11:43, 27 September 2007

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The molecular volume of the spherocylinder is given by

where is the length of the cylindrical part of the spherocylinder and is the diameter.


  1. Giorgio Cinacchi and Yuri Martínez-Ratón and Luis Mederos and Enrique Velasco "Smectic, nematic, and isotropic phases in binary mixtures of thin and thick hard spherocylinders", Journal of Chemical Physics 124 pp. 234904 (2006)
  2. P. Bolhuis and D. Frenkel "Tracing the phase boundaries of hard spherocylinders", Journal of Chemical Physics 106 pp. 666-687 (1997)
  3. S. C. McGrother and D. C. Williamson and G. Jackson "A re-examination of the phase diagram of hard spherocylinders", Journal of Chemical Physics 104 pp. 6755-6771 (1996)