Hard spherocylinders: virial coefficients: Difference between revisions

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#REDIRECT[[Hard spherocylinders#Virial coefficients]]
[[Virial equation of state | Virial coefficients]] of the [[hard spherocylinders | hard spherocylinder]] model.
#[http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00268977800100991 Peter A. Monson and Maurice Rigby "Virial equation of state for rigid spherocylinders", Molecular Physics '''35''' pp.  1337-1342 (1978)]
#[http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00268978900100861 W. R. Cooney, S. M. Thompson and K. E. Gubbins " Virial coefficients for the hard oblate spherocylinder fluid", Molecular Physics '''66''' pp. 1269-1272  (1989)]
#[http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/jp049502f Tomás Boublík "Third and Fourth Virial Coefficients and the Equation of State of Hard Prolate Spherocylinders", Journal of Physical Chemistry B '''108''' pp. 7424-7429  (2004)]
[[Category: Virial coefficients]]

Latest revision as of 11:44, 28 April 2011