- Related reading
- Anton K. Faradjian and Ron Elber "Computing time scales from reaction coordinates by milestoning", Journal of Chemical Physics 120 10880 (2004)
- Anthony M. A. West, Ron Elber and David Shalloway "Extending molecular dynamics time scales with milestoning: Example of complex kinetics in a solvated peptide", Journal of Chemical Physics 126 145104 (2007)
- Christof Schütte, Frank Noé, Jianfeng Lu, Marco Sarich, and Eric Vanden-Eijnden "Markov state models based on milestoning", Journal of Chemical Physics 134 204105 (2011)
- Alexander T. Hawk and Dmitrii E. Makarov "Milestoning with transition memory", Journal of Chemical Physics 135 224109 (2011)
- Juan M. Bello-Rivas and Ron Elber "Exact milestoning", Journal of Chemical Physics 142 094102 (2015)
- Gianmarc Grazioli and Ioan Andricioaei "Advances in milestoning. I. Enhanced sampling via wind-assisted reweighted milestoning (WARM)", Journal of Chemical Physics 149, 084103 (2018)
- Gianmarc Grazioli and Ioan Andricioaei "Advances in milestoning. II. Calculating time-correlation functions from milestoning using stochastic path integrals", Journal of Chemical Physics 149, 084104 (2018)