Hard sphere: virial coefficients

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The virial equation of state of the hard sphere model, in various dimensions, has long been of interest. In 3-dimensions analytical results were derived (all in 1899) for by Johannes Diderik van der Waals[1], by Ludwig Eduard Boltzmann [2], and by Johannis Jacobus van Laar [3]. The calculation of had to wait for the Rosenbluths [4] in 1954. Thus far no analytical expressions for and beyond have been derived. One has:

where is the volume of a sphere in three dimensions. For hard disks (ie. 2-dimensional hard spheres) one has[5]

where is the area of a circle.

Virial / Dimension 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
0.782004... 0.625 0.506340... 0.414063... 0.340941... 0.282227... 0.234614...
0.53223180... 0.2869495... 0.15184606... 0.0759724807... 0.03336314... 0.00986494662... -0.00255768...
0.33355604(1) 0.110252(1) 0.0357041(17) 0.0129551(13) 0.0075231(11) 0.0070724(10) 0.00743092(93)
0.1988425(42) 0.03888198(91) 0.0077359(16) 0.0009815(14) -0.0017385(13) -0.0035121(11) -0.0045164(11)
0.1148728(43) 0.01302354(91) 0.0014303(19) 0.0004162(19) 0.0013066(18) 0.0025386(16) 0.0034149(15)
0.0649930(34) 0.0041832(11) 0.0002888(18) -0.0001120(20) -0.0008950(30) -0.0019937(28) -0.0028624(26)
0.0362193(35) 0.0013094(13) 0.0000441(22) 0.0000747(26) 0.0006673(45) 0.0016869(41) 0.0025969(38)
0.0199537(80) 0.0004035(15) 0.0000113(31) -0.0000492(48) -0.000525(16) -0.001514(14) -0.002511(13)

This table is taken directly from Table 1 in Ref.[6]

See also


Related reading

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