Ice XV

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Revision as of 10:50, 2 April 2009 by Lufi (talk | contribs) (New page: {{Stub-water}} Fourteen different polymorphs of water are experimentally known. However, the search of new solid phases are a very active investigation area. Two main routes exist. The fir...)
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This article is a 'stub' about water and/or ice. It has no, or next to no, content. It is here at the moment to help form part of the structure of SklogWiki. If you add material to this article, remove the {{Stub-water}} template from this page.

Fourteen different polymorphs of water are experimentally known. However, the search of new solid phases are a very active investigation area. Two main routes exist. The first one is the search (at low temperatures) of proton ordered analogous of the high temperature proton disordered ices. This is the research that lead to the discovery of ices ice VIII, ice IX, ice XI, ice XIII and ice XIV. Ice VI being probably the only proton disordered ice for which the proton ordered ice has not yet been found. Some authors label this unprepared ice phase as ice XV. The second route is the search of new ices at high pressure and/or high temperature. This route is being object of an intensive activity, both experimental and theorical. Recently, a plastic crystal phase of water has been found by molecular simulation for some water potential models (SPC/E, TIP4P, TIP5P and TIP4P/2005)[1]. This plastic crystal was not also prepared, but the authors has labelled it as ice XV. The phases of ice have been labelled with the Roman numerals I-XIV in the approximate order in which they were produced experimentally. Therefore, we have to wait for which of these phases is prepared to know what will the ice XV.


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