Stockmayer potential

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The Stockmayer potential consists of the Lennard-Jones model with an embedded point dipole. Thus the Stockmayer potential becomes (Eq. 1 [1]):


  • is the intermolecular pair potential between two particles at a distance r;
  • is the diameter (length), i.e. the value of at  ;
  •  : well depth (energy)
  • is the permittivity of the vacuum
  • is the dipole moment
  • is the inclination of the two dipole axes with respect to the intermolecular axis.
  • is the azimuth angle between the two dipole moments

If one defines a reduced dipole moment, , such that:

one can rewrite the expression as

For this reason the potential is sometimes known as the Stockmayer 12-6-3 potential.

Critical properties

In the range [2]:


Related reading

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