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  1. Michael Koza, Helmut Schober, Albert Tölle, Franz Fujara and Thomas Hansen "Formation of ice XII at different conditions", Nature 397 pp. 660-661 (1999)
  2. István Borzsák and Peter T. Cummings "Molecular dynamics simulation of ice XII", Chemical Physics Letters 300 pp. 359-363 (1999)
  3. Ingrid Kohl, Erwin Mayer, and Andreas Hallbrucker "Thermal Properties of Metastable Ice XII", The Journal of Physical Chemistry B (Materials) 104 pp. 12102 - 12104 (2000)
  4. Christoph Salzmann, Ingrid Kohl, Thomas Loerting, Erwin Mayer, and Andreas Hallbrucker "The Raman Spectrum of Ice XII and Its Relation to that of a New "High-Pressure Phase of H2O Ice"", The Journal of Physical Chemistry B (Materials) 106 pp. 1 - 6 (2002)
  5. Thomas Loerting, Ingrid Kohl, Christoph Salzmann, Erwin Mayer, and Andreas Hallbrucker "(Meta-)stability domain of ice XII revealed between approx. 158–212 K and approx. 0.7–1.5 GPa on isobaric heating of high-density amorphous ice", Journal of Chemical Physics 116 pp. 3171-3174 (2002)
  6. G. P. Johari "Stability of ice XII relative to ice V and ice VI at high pressures", Journal of Chemical Physics 118 pp. 242-248 (2003)
  7. C.G. Salzmann, I. Kohl, T. Loerting, E. Mayer, and A. Hallbrucker "Pure ices IV and XII from high-density amorphous ice", Canadian Journal of Physics 81 pp. 25-32 (2003)
  8. Carlos Vega, Carl McBride, Eduardo Sanz and Jose L. F. Abascal "Radial distribution functions and densities for the SPC/E, TIP4P and TIP5P models for liquid water and ices Ih, Ic, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, XI and XII", Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 7 pp. 1450 - 1456 (2005)