Hard sphere: virial coefficients

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This page contains numerical values and/or equations. If you intend to use ANY of the numbers or equations found in SklogWiki in any way, you MUST take them from the original published article or book, and cite the relevant source accordingly.

Virial / Dimension 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
0.782004... 0.625 0.506340... 0.414063... 0.340941... 0.282227... 0.234614...
0.53223180... 0.2869495... 0.15184606... 0.0759724807... 0.03336314... 0.00986494662... -0.00255768...
0.33355604(1) 0.110252(1) 0.0357041(17) 0.0129551(13) 0.0075231(11) 0.0070724(10) 0.00743092(93)
0.1988425(42) 0.03888198(91) 0.0077359(16) 0.0009815(14) -0.0017385(13) -0.0035121(11) -0.0045164(11)
0.1148728(43) 0.01302354(91) 0.0014303(19) 0.0004162(19) 0.0013066(18) 0.0025386(16) 0.0034149(15)
0.0649930(34) 0.0041832(11) 0.0002888(18) -0.0001120(20) -0.0008950(30) -0.0019937(28) -0.0028624(26)
0.0362193(35) 0.0013094(13) 0.0000441(22) 0.0000747(26) 0.0006673(45) 0.0016869(41) 0.0025969(38)
0.0199537(80) 0.0004035(15) 0.0000113(31) -0.0000492(48) -0.000525(16) -0.001514(14) -0.002511(13)

This table is taken directly from Table 1 in Ref. 2.

See also


  1. Stanislav Labík, Jirí Kolafa, and Anatol Malijevský, "Virial coefficients of hard spheres and hard disks up to the ninth", Physical Review E 71 pp. 021105 (2005)
  2. Nathan Clisby and Barry M. McCoy "Ninth and Tenth Order Virial Coefficients for Hard Spheres in D Dimensions", Journal of Statistical Physics 122 pp. 15-57 (2006)