Random vector on a sphere

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The ability to generate a randomly orientated vector is very useful in Monte Carlo simulations of anisotropic models or molecular systems.

Marsaglia algorithm

This is the algorithm proposed by George Marsaglia (Ref. 1):

  • Independently generate V1 and V2, taken from a unifor distribution on (-1,1) such that
  • The random vector is then (Ref. 1 Eq. 4):

Fortran 90 implementation

This Fortran 90 implementation is adapted from Ref. 2. The function ran() calls a randon number generator:

!    The following is taken from Allen & Tildesley, p. 349
!    Generate a random vector towards a point in the unit sphere
!    Daniel Duque 2004

subroutine random_vector(vctr)

  implicit none

  real, dimension(3) :: vctr

  real:: ran1,ran2,ransq,ranh
  real:: ran

     if(ransq.le.1.0) exit



end subroutine random_vector


  1. George Marsaglia "Choosing a Point from the Surface of a Sphere", The Annals of Mathematical Statistics 43 pp. 645-646 (1972)
  2. Daan Frenkel and Berend Smit "Understanding Molecular Simulation: From Algorithms to Applications" p. 410 Academic Press (1996)
  3. M. P. Allen and D. J. Tildesley "Computer Simulation of Liquids", p. 349 Clarendon Press (1989)