Binary hard-sphere mixtures: Difference between revisions

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==See also==
==See also==
*[[Equations of state for hard sphere mixtures]]
*[[Equations of state for hard sphere mixtures]]
*[[Fundamental-measure theory]]
#[  Thierry Biben and Jean-Pierre Hansen "Phase separation of asymmetric binary hard-sphere fluids", Physical Review Letters '''66''' pp. 2215-2218 (1991)]
#[ M. D. Eldridge, P. A. Madden and  D. Frenkel " The stability of the AB_13 crystal in a binary hard sphere system", Molecular Physics '''79''' pp. 105-120 (1993)]
;Related reading
#[ Yaakov Rosenfeld "Phase Separation of Asymmetric Binary Hard-Sphere Fluids: Self-Consistent Density Functional Theory", Physical Review Letters  '''72''' pp. 3831-3834 (1994)]
*[  Thierry Biben and Jean-Pierre Hansen "Phase separation of asymmetric binary hard-sphere fluids", Physical Review Letters '''66''' pp. 2215-2218 (1991)]
#[  M Rovere and G Pastore "Fluid-fluid phase separation in binary mixtures of asymmetric non-additive hard spheres", Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter '''6''' pp.  A163-A166 (1994)]
*[ M. D. Eldridge, P. A. Madden and  D. Frenkel " The stability of the AB_13 crystal in a binary hard sphere system", Molecular Physics '''79''' pp. 105-120 (1993)]
#[  Hong Xu and C Barentin "Freezing of very asymmetric binary hard-sphere mixtures", Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter '''7''' pp. L13-L17 (1995)]
*[ Yaakov Rosenfeld "Phase Separation of Asymmetric Binary Hard-Sphere Fluids: Self-Consistent Density Functional Theory", Physical Review Letters  '''72''' pp. 3831-3834 (1994)]
#[ F Saija and P V Giaquinta "Statistical entropy of a binary hard-sphere mixture: the low-density limit", Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter '''8''' pp. 8137-8144 (1996)]
*[  M Rovere and G Pastore "Fluid-fluid phase separation in binary mixtures of asymmetric non-additive hard spheres", Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter '''6''' pp.  A163-A166 (1994)]
#[ Thierry Biben, Peter Bladon and Daan Frenkel "Depletion effects in binary hard-sphere fluids", Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter '''8''' pp. 10799-10821 (1996)]
*[  Hong Xu and C Barentin "Freezing of very asymmetric binary hard-sphere mixtures", Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter '''7''' pp. L13-L17 (1995)]
#[ E. Lomba, M. Alvarez, L. L. Lee and N. G. Almarza "Phase stability of binary non-additive hard-sphere mixtures: A self-consistent integral equation study", Journal of Chemical Physics '''104''' pp. 4180- (1996)]
*[ F Saija and P V Giaquinta "Statistical entropy of a binary hard-sphere mixture: the low-density limit", Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter '''8''' pp. 8137-8144 (1996)]
#[ Tamara Coussaert and Marc Baus "Demixing vs freezing of binary hard-sphere mixtures", Journal of Chemical Physics  '''109''' pp.  6012- (1998)]  
*[ Thierry Biben, Peter Bladon and Daan Frenkel "Depletion effects in binary hard-sphere fluids", Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter '''8''' pp. 10799-10821 (1996)]
#[ Anatol Malijevský and Jan Veverka "New equations of state for pure and binary hard-sphere fluids", PCCP '''1''' pp. 4267-4270 (1999)]
*[ E. Lomba, M. Alvarez, L. L. Lee and N. G. Almarza "Phase stability of binary non-additive hard-sphere mixtures: A self-consistent integral equation study", Journal of Chemical Physics '''104''' pp. 4180- (1996)]
#[ D. Viduna and W. R. Smith "New accurate binary hard sphere mixture radial distribution functions at contact and a new equation of state", Molecular Physics '''100''' pp. 2903-2905 (2002)]
*[ Tamara Coussaert and Marc Baus "Demixing vs freezing of binary hard-sphere mixtures", Journal of Chemical Physics  '''109''' pp.  6012- (1998)]  
#[  A. Yu. Vlasov and A. J. Masters "Binary mixtures of hard spheres: how far can one go with the virial equation of state?",  Fluid Phase Equilibria  '''212''' pp. 183-198 (2003)]
*[ Anatol Malijevský and Jan Veverka "New equations of state for pure and binary hard-sphere fluids", PCCP '''1''' pp. 4267-4270 (1999)]
#[ C. Barrio and J. R. Solana "Analytical representation of the higher virial coefficients of binary mixtures of additive hard spheres", Molecular Physics '''101''' pp. 1545-1549 (2003)]  
*[ D. Viduna and W. R. Smith "New accurate binary hard sphere mixture radial distribution functions at contact and a new equation of state", Molecular Physics '''100''' pp. 2903-2905 (2002)]
#[ Morad Alawneh and Douglas Henderson "Molecular dynamics results for the radial distribution functions of highly asymmetric hard sphere mixtures", Molecular Physics '''106''' pp. 607-614 (2008)]
*[  A. Yu. Vlasov and A. J. Masters "Binary mixtures of hard spheres: how far can one go with the virial equation of state?",  Fluid Phase Equilibria  '''212''' pp. 183-198 (2003)]
##[ Erratum, Molecular Physics '''106''' pp. 2407-2408 (2008)]
*[ C. Barrio and J. R. Solana "Analytical representation of the higher virial coefficients of binary mixtures of additive hard spheres", Molecular Physics '''101''' pp. 1545-1549 (2003)]  
*[ Morad Alawneh and Douglas Henderson "Molecular dynamics results for the radial distribution functions of highly asymmetric hard sphere mixtures", Molecular Physics '''106''' pp. 607-614 (2008)]
**[ Erratum, Molecular Physics '''106''' pp. 2407-2408 (2008)]
*[ Gerardo Odriozola and Ludovic Berthier "Equilibrium equation of state of a hard sphere binary mixture at very large densities using replica exchange Monte Carlo simulations", Journal of Chemical Physics '''134''' 054504 (2011)]
*[ L. Filion, M. Hermes, R. Ni, E. C. M. Vermolen, A. Kuijk, C. G. Christova, J. C. P. Stiefelhagen, T. Vissers, A. van Blaaderen, and M. Dijkstra "Self-Assembly of a Colloidal Interstitial Solid with Tunable Sublattice Doping", Physical Review Letters '''107''' 168302 (2011)]
*[ Ran Ni, Frank Smallenburg, Laura Filion and Marjolein Dijkstra "Crystal Nucleation in binary hard-sphere mixtures: The effect of order parameter on the cluster composition", Molecular Physics '''109''' 1213 (2011)]
*[  D. J. Ashton , V. Sánchez-Gil  and N. B. Wilding "Monte Carlo methods for estimating depletion potentials in highly size-asymmetrical hard sphere mixtures", Journal of Chemical Physics '''139''' 144102 (2013)]
*[ Antonia Statt, Rattachai Pinchaipat, Francesco Turci, Robert Evans and C. Patrick Royall "Direct observation in 3d of structural crossover in binary hard sphere mixtures", Journal of Chemical Physics '''144''' 144506 (2016)]
*[ Marvin Bishop and Paula A. Whitlock "Five dimensional binary hard hypersphere mixtures: A Monte Carlo study", Journal of Chemical Physics '''145''' 154502 (2016)]
*[ Stanislav Labík, Anatol Malijevský and Jiří Kolafa "Virial coefficients of the additive hard-sphere binary mixtures up to the eighth", Molecular Physics '''115''' pp. 1051-1056 (2017)]
*[ Ioatzin Ríos de Anda, Francesco Turci, Richard P. Sear, and C. Patrick Royall "Long-lived non-equilibrium interstitial solid solutions in binary mixtures", Journal of Chemical Physics '''147''' 124504 (2017)]
*[ Craig Moir, Leo Lue, Julian D. Gale, Paolo Raiteri, and Marcus N. Bannerman "Anomalous heat transport in binary hard-sphere gases", Physical Review E '''99''' 030102 (2019)]
[[category: mixtures]]

Latest revision as of 15:17, 17 December 2019

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From a theoretical point of view, one of the simplest mixtures amenable to study is that of binary hard spheres. In other words, of the two components one component has a diameter and the other component has a diameter .

See also[edit]


Related reading